Thin Wall Spark Plug Socket

Those are the original plugs that came with the engine. The engine sat on an engine stand from 1998 to 2013 waiting to get installed. I did not have the car during that time frame. The engine was installed in the car and started in Aug. 2013. I have never touched the plugs as the car runs great and only get about 500 miles put on it a year.
A plug can be correct in every way but the size of the hex. If you had provided the part number I requested (it's partially visible on the side of the plug in your pic), I would have told you the hex size, so you could modify the right size socket to remove them as so many have suggested. It isn't 20mm. It probably is 13/16". These are the wrong plugs because standard sockets won't fit. Once you have a tool that will fit, you can put the wrong plugs back in if you want.