To me, Craig's list is officially taboo

While Craigslist has always had it's issues I've sold a lot of items over the year on there. Today I mainly just buy from Craigslist.

Now here is where Craigslist shines. There are a lot of people that want nothing to do with Facebook, so while there are less people on Craigslist there is still commerce happening.

Exactly! I have a CL account, and since I'm parting out a truck right now I have about 6-7 postings on there. Not many responses, and I ignore the obvious (to me) scammers and phishing attempts, but I still manage to sell some things every now and then....

And I'm in no hurry, and have no pressure, to sell anything....

However, as a buyer, I've found some wonderful deals lately, and after reading the "I don't go there anymore" responses above, I can't help but wonder if that's not part of the reason. Less traffic= less competition!