What do you do to get rid of gas from your mouth and stomach when siphoning your tank?

I did that when I was a teen. Burped gas fumes for a couple days. Lite cigarettes very carefully, and my girlfriend wouldn't kiss me. :lol: Dad said drink milk, and don't be so stupid in the future, he wasted his time.
When I was a kid I watched my cousin "drink" a good amount of gas due to a siphon attempt. Put him down (sick) damn near instantaneously, and that was something I've never forgotten.

When I got older (old enough to drive or thereabouts), I got myself an inline pump, a clear filter, about 50' of lamp cord, and come alligator clips, and I rigged-up my own fuel transfer system, kinda like what Derek on VGG uses. (I didn't know I was a trendsetter!) (And with the gas fillers being located behind the rear bumpers Back In The Day, I didn't always use this for "legal" fuel transfers, if you know what I mean....).

Everything has been replaced a couple/three times over the years, but I still use it. (Legally today!)

And to this very day I've still never swallowed any gas. (Knock on wood.)