Draw through turbo slant

Tony got super duper political on his social media around the time of Covid. He burned a lot of bridges REAL quick. Just like Tractor Supply or other Go Woke Go Broke companies he decided the best thing for his “brand” was to shut up and lay low. Now he’s popped back up after the dust settled and people forgot about him wishing death on the unvaxxed. Yeah, he did that.

Not a fan and won’t support him based on morals.
Didn’t ever see that and I’m glad I didn’t because I’d probably despise him also. That kinda attitude (especially around Covid and vacs) makes me sick. I do know he had a very sick young child in the house around that time, maybe his actions were based on what it took to keep his child (in his eyes) safe. Momma bears will do a lot to protect their cubs.