Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Just my 2 cents here, but I think you need some consistency in your temp measurements, you are measuring at different places, and reading from a laser thermometer and a dash gauge, either which may or may not be accurate. If this was me, I would put a new temp sending unit into the factory location and wire that to a good Autometer temp gauge and go from there, that way you have a consistent reading every single time you look at the gauge. I cant imagine trying to diagnose a problem without having consistent data.
Hey. Thanks for the message. I measured all temps at the exact same spot every time, every 5 minutes. I only added the pictures and information of the factory temp gauge so that I could show where its needle was at while the readings on the engine were taken. Just did the best I could do, with what I have

I agree. I wish I had a screw in gauge to replace the temp probe in the engine for now. I’m having a hard time finding one with a short enough probe portion and proper threads. It’s hard when I’m not sure what I’m after too