Freak hit and run today !

I once worked for a county transit bus company, and we had a bus lose a right front wheel before it even reached its first stop of the morning. My boss wanted that wheel back so bad they put a crew of people to walk along the highway for 4 hours to find it. Then they wanted every bus inspected for any others that may have problems. When I got to work that afternoon and heard the story I told him that I would only have inspected the 2 buses that were normally used to run that route and why you ask because it was a rural route that had minimal stops the average speed along this route was 50 mph and the only time they did wheel bearing service was when they did brakes needless to say the brakes for the 2 buses that ran this route would have brakes that last a long time. I told him going forward every bus should have the bearings serviced annually. They also kept horrible maintenance records and I had commented in the past about this. There work orders only showed that services were done, and all faults repaired so what was repaired. I also warned him the new hybrid buses we had would suffer the same problem because of their regenerative braking, even the manufacture of the buses stated that the brake would most likely last the life of the buses (10 years). I left that job shortly after that incident.