318 build suggestions?

if you want to know a fair price to pay for your buddies 318 short block then you don't have it yet. me? i'd get a 360 instead and make 400hp easier and cheaper.
And you can make way more mpgs out of the small-cammed 360. than the big-cammed 318.

Moving the power up 600 rpm in a 318, to make the number, is about 3 cam sizes, that's ~ 21 degrees on the intake duration, so like 292 degrees, compared to a 360 at say 270, like the one I once had.
I started with the 292/108, didn't like it. took it out
Next up was the 270/110*, loved it, but it died.
got greedy and installed a 276/110*, bad move. Liked the 270 better.
All were installed at near to the same cylinder pressure. up around 185psi.
The 292 would have been ok with like 4.30s and an overdrive.
The 270 did not care what gears were in it.
The 276 finally got the overdrive .

Street driving on street tires,
maxing out at 65/70 mph, is a three-gear deal.
Second gear is gonna take you from 30 to 60 mph.
First is a tire-frier and is only used to idle around with, and/or to get to Second.
Third gear is for cruizing.
400hp, without a traction aid, is way overkill.
300hp, without a traction device is still cooking the tires in First. It's a lotta fun in Second, if it has a stout bottom end. If not, then
350hp, is middle of the road, but you better have some cylinder pressure and a good convertor.
These are my opinions based on personal experience.