Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Also. I just got back from a couple hours at a guys house who used to build mopars. He set my timing to what he said was “light” for now. But the big thing was that he looked at temps and thinks I’m fine. He said I was taking temps in wrong spots. That they should be taken on upper rad hose. If thats the case, the numbers are good. Which would make sense, because my gauge in the car never goes above half while driving…so by the cars gauge I’m well within the limits they want the engine to be in
He said taking temp from the metal of the block is a completely different number that can’t be compared to the 180-190 that I’m looking for….as those numbers are read by the probe that’s reading coolant temp

I’m sure that might be a controversial topic, but he’s a smart guy….and I hope he’s right. I will keep my eye on things tomorrow and see how my drive goes, to go to my alignment appointment.

I really appreciate all of the help and support on here