Freak hit and run today !

Your neighbor must have been going fast to total your truck, either way I hate that happened to your truck. Hope he had insurance.
Actually, she was backing out of her driveway. I was NOT directly across the street from their driveway. I was at least 3 car lengths up the street to be careful. I saw it happen. She backed out going way faster than was necessary, and she went back way farther than necessary. When I back out from anywhere, I back up carefully and only as far as I necessary to be able to stop and then drive forward. I watched her blast out of her driveway in reverse going way too fast, and she just kept going and going; way further than necessary. She hit my truck HARD right between the cab and bed with the right rear corner of her car. This was in about 2016. Her dogshit insurance company screwed me hard. They didn't care how nice it was, it was just a crappy little plain Jane, 18 year old, 4 cylinder truck to them. By the time I hired a lawyer to try and get more money, it would not have been worth it to me.