318 build suggestions?

That's just it, Guys like us telling him not to invest a pile of $$$ into a teen DO CARE. We're trying to prevent an expensive mistake is all. Its just some friendly free advice that is exactly whatever its worth to the OP. I won't and don't harp on it. J.Rob
I agree but then they try and force us out like we are trouble makers. The fact is a guy building a 318 if he has any common sense at all will run into the speed bumps and road blocks in a 318 that are just expensive to overcome. I was there as a young man,had a 318 or three then learned of the 340/360. I have been fortunate to have been into all of them at some point. the best guys are the ones who see the 318 has the same crank dimensions and think it can be turned into a 340. Once you tear a 318 down and a 340 and you know the internal differences its night and day. 340 is loaded with "the good stuff". Truth is there is only so much that can be done with a 318 and only so much should be spent. Don't go past a certain point because it becomes not cost effective. Ay some point its like they are trying to prove something that if it could be done would have been done already 40 years ago in the 80s...318 is a good motor for a street car that doesn't go above 5000 rpm its not worth doing much more than a standard rebuild for standard service...money wise. I have said my piece and I too shall bow out now...:)