318 build suggestions?

No ones arguing that displacement especially for a street car and especially since most think 3.55 are deep gears, makes more sense.

Have you ever built a 318? Or a 340?

They don’t require any more rpm than a 360 to make power.

With the same heads the 360 will Peter out while the other two can go higher. Not that much higher though.

Let’s say the 360 is done by 5k the other two will be 300-400 rpm higher. If 5400 breaks your bank and mind then go race a Prius.

It’s time to get to realville.

RPM is your friend and if you ignore the flat earthers (no offense intended or implied to AJ because I know that’s one of his beliefs and that’s not a flaming arrow into him) and chicken little wannabes.

It IS the replacement for displacement if you understand the internal combustion engine.