Wanted: Carter 4933 Carburetor (Rebuildable or Working)

Difference betweer Carter carb 2366S and 2366SA. There are multiple parts on the carter carb itself so the part number with the s is the complete assembly rather than just 1 part.

Got it, thanks! Today I learned
In Carter’s terminology, an individual part such as an idle mixture screw was a single part; whereas two or more individual parts sold together such as a needle, seat, and gasket were sold as an “assembly”. Carter used the suffix letter S to denote assembly. Since all carburetors are composed of multiple parts, the letter S was appended to all carburetors using the traditional numbering system i.e. 938s. If a significant engineering change was made to the carburetor, the letter “A” would be appended to the S (i.e. 938sa). A second change would have the letter A replaced by the letter B (i.,e. 938sb). The highest engineering change of which I am aware is 4 i.e.938sd. Contrary to popular belief, the S DID NOT mean standard transmission, nor the SA automatic transmission."