Wanted: Carter 4933 Carburetor (Rebuildable or Working)

Got it, so it sounds like all the carbs had it. Can I run the correct carter without it installed? Guess I don't understand how it stops the car from dieseling upon shut down? When shutting down a car, no gas pedal is applied anyway. Isn't the purpose of the solenoid to apply throttle for the AC idle up? Not sure how applying throttle also prevents dieseling?

While I have you, here's my dilemma
My factory 340 car is stock, except for the carb. Someone put a Holley on it, but the fast idle screw on the choke hits the stock intake manifold. A riser plate was then installed to help with clearance. Well, that raised everything so now the pie-tin is rubbing on the underside of the hood insulation which in turn rubbed the tin graphics off and put a nice circular indent in the insulation. I am trying to go back to stock, hence all my questions and need to an original carb :) I have contemplated hogging out the original intake manifold near the choke hole in order to clear the fast idle screw, but I'm not sure if anyone has done that with success and/or if that's a big "no no" in the Mopar world.

Have any suggestions?
I would put the correct Carter on it or a new Edelbrock copy.