Blowing #4 Fuse/ No Tail lights, Cluster, Parking Lights, License Plate light

I just provided general information on how to test a circuit that is blowing fuses. I don't think the tail bulb is a better way but they both work. The tail lamp bulb is the same test and finds the same "hacks" as the meter, but you have to check/see it with each disconnect versus hearing it and requires a "heavier draw" than a meter beeper.

You can also use door buzzers or anything that runs on 12vdc that can handle continuous operation while testing (not a car horn) and provide an audio indication it is working.
Actually a buzzer is also a good method. The thing is, an ohmeter can be dangerous to itself, as older ones were not protected from voltage. And, they are sometimes way too sensitive, as it doesn't take much of a load to give an indication. And of course most of them are not audible. My Flukes have an audible alert on low ohms, but I can not hear most of them, certainly not from several feet away.