(2)450 DP's vs (2)750 DP's

Bruce had to resize his carbs smaller on his race engine when he went to a larger camshaft to get back the performance he lost. Something to think about from some who knew more than anyone else about this stuff.

"If we look at the influence of intake valve closing point we find that at some point when the piston is coming up the compression stroke, the pressure in the cylinder will be the same as the intake runner. If we shut the valve after that point in time we have shut it too late. Once the pressure in the cylinder exceeds the intake runner the air will go back out of the cylinder. If that happens we can do something about it without tearing the engine apart, we can install a SMALLER carby. What that does is it restricts the fill of the cylinder so that the incorrect closing point of the valve is not incorrect any more. Essentially a smaller carby makes the cam appear smaller.THATS one of the factors why sometimes engines make more power with smaller carbs
Our own drag car has had various cams ranging from 269 to 289 intake duration in it, the longer the intake duration the smaller the carbys had to be to get max power out of it. And with all the different cams its always made exactly the same power because we never changed the head flows. BUT i had to make the carbys smaller to get the power back with each successively larger cam. Every time we went larger in the cam it lost power on the old carby size"

I’m not disagreeing.

I’m saying that’s not the only way to do it.