What Pet(s) do you have?

Cats. Say hello to my two furry idiots, Jetta, and Hobbes. Hobbes loves his Bill Clinton stuffed toy. He loves to bite him in the face. It took Jetta about a week to warm up to him. Now these 2 are inseparable.

We used to have 2 dogs but both passed from old age. I had Sadie Girl for 18 years, she was my best friend. I was crushed when I held her as they put her to sleep. After that, I did not want another pet. We got Jetta from the pound for one of our daughters, but she bonded with my wife and I instead. Then a year later my buddies cat had kittens. I did not want one, but he sent me pix and my heart melted. Hobbes is a stinker. Prob because at 1 year old he is technically a teenager in cat years. Lol.

Jetta is a creature of habit. If I'm not in bed by 9:30 she protests. She has to curl up next to me at night. I guess that is her bedtime lol.








