Lean idle. Rich cruise.

reviving this old thread again! Ordered a 10 degree bushing and a whole new set of springs from 4 Seconds Flat. Played around with the curve for a couple weeks and here's what I got:

My particular engine in MY car absolutely hated every curve I tried. And I tried everything everyone suggested. Made a serious calculated effort, too.

Distrib locked at 35 degrees, the whole damn thing was happier. Started better, idled better, and is faster. Faster from the 2 step, faster from a roll, just plain faster. Don't know why.......I read all the benefits of a curve........but proof is proof. So THAT theory, for me, is put to bed. Period.

My next effort is concerning T slot restrictors. As posted earlier, I went down to .062 all 4 corners and it made a pretty good improvement. I am still a wee bit rich at cruise around 2600 to 3000 RPM and thinking I should go down to somewhere around .050. Does this sound like too much restriction?

Also, Idle and WOT are both exactly where you'd want them, so I don't think it's a jetting issue.

Have done nothing to the emulsion bleeds in the metering blocks. Each block has 4 on both sides. 8 per block. None are blanks. I kinda think that should change, but have no idea what the hell to do with them. They're Voodoo to me.:BangHead: