Sitting here watching racing and thinking about how crazy this game has gotten

My mind was wondering, maybe half sulking about another second round lose. I probably should sit back and at 68 reevaluate my racing program. First off in 48 years I have never double entered a race and in todays game that’s almost a necessity. Here’s the money that guys like me are spending. 990.00 to double enter this race. If they lose 1st round they will buyback both entries if needed and yes it’s often needed. That’s 150.00 each so it could be 300.00 extra per day times 3 days. Thursdays gamblers race is 100.00. Friday’s 64 race is 100.00 or 150.00. Saturday’s 128 race is 100.00. Watching these guys run back and forth to the lanes wears me out but these are the guys going rounds, getting some nice round money at times, or possibly winning or making it to the split. I can’t remember a single entry winning one of these races in a long long time. I’m not healthy enough to play the game but not playing has a price too. It’s hard to stay focused for 3 plus hours while guys are getting track time and you are on standby. I know the promoters have to have it but it’s almost like buying the win. Next months norwalks entry is 625.00 so times two plus again the 150.00 buybacks. John might have to cut back on some of these trips and focus more on local and Mopar based events.
Blame Bidenomics, that’s where most of it started. (Old timer, (Quaker City back in 70’s).