Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

So, are you saying that a 160 thermostat should keep the engine running at 160 degrees?

Yes. If it won’t do that the cooling system is not keeping up.

I’d love to be able to not run a thermostat at all. I don’t want or need that restriction.

And I tried that. It was a hundred degrees out and about 90 in the shop. I barely got 140 degrees out of it. That’s too cold to run the defrost in the winter.

So I use a 160 thermostat to set my minimum temperature. If my cooling system wasn’t capable the engine would run hotter than what the thermostat is rated to open.

As it is, on 100 degree and hotter days if I have to sit at a long light it will creep up to 170.

That’s because I’m only turning the water pump 6% over crank speed.

I’d bet everything I have, everything you have and a bunch of stuff neither of us have that if I can drive the water pump 20% faster than the crank that I could sit at a stop light in downtown hell all day and it would stay at 160.