Sitting here watching racing and thinking about how crazy this game has gotten

Just my opinion and I'll probably get flamed for it, but double entries and buybacks are 2 of the stupidest ideas in drag racing, next to splitting the purse in the final because you're afraid of losing... LMAO the whole buyback scheme was dreamed up by sore losers with more money than brains, among other things. It use to be about competition, sportsmanship and comradery, now it's all ego driven and I have more money than the other guy syndrome... And yet guys will do both and complain about it. The only person who is making out is the track owner/promoter. Round losers should be able to buy into a losers race/bracket if they so chose, not back into a race they just lost. How can anyone with any self respect be proud of buying back into a race they just lost???? If big money "winning" is your only goal it's a pathetic one at best. Anyone who double enters should be forced to race themselves in the first round, see how well that works out for them and how proud they will be for beating themselves.... Lol