Going to be an interesting week. Lots of decisions to be made.

IDK John, if it’s not pushing oil out everywhere and it’s only doing it at the line I think I’d just swap in the new gearbox and go.

Pretty high vacuum right there so it may be getting some oil by the guides there like you say. As long as it’s not so bad you feel like it’s so bad you think it will kill the valve and destroy everything it’s probably ok.

Now that I typed that out it doesn’t feel as good lol.

It wasn’t that long ago almost every Pro Stocker smoked at the hit. Watching yesterday I didn’t see it nearly as much.

Obviously they are doing it for very different reasons and because for them it’s a ring/vacuum thing I always didn’t care for letting oil into the chambers and the increased possibilities of detonation.

Seems like it never bothered those guys and evidently still doesn’t because I saw it yesterday.

That was always my biggest concern about that.

It’s probably not a big deal if you don’t think it will fail a valve or guide.

And how do you know that if you don’t take it apart?

Ok, I don’t have any good thinking on this.

I’m back to a solid I don’t know what to think lol.

One way is more work, and one way increases the risk of killing a valve or guide (which would be both…I need to go back to bed!) and then hurting the engine and possibly crashing the car.

Ain’t I a ray of sunshine and knowledge today???

Well Like I said for sure the transmission is getting rebuilt so that part is easy. If the weather showed rain this weekend the choice would be easier but no rain in the forecast for the weekend. I trudge forward and get my calendar out and check my race schedule. I have all parts on hand for both jobs so that helps. I have that offset rocker set of heads on my shelf but I never looked into why the Indy intake was sucking oil under the intake. It’s never easy but thank God I’m semi retired.