Stop in for a cup of coffee

Funny story about smelt, I was up in the UP welding at a food plant and the local boys asked me if I liked smelt? I replied “smell what” they repeated you like smelt? I replied yet again smell what? In exasperation they explained smelt was a fishe? Well I had never heard of smelt! Down here smelt is a verb! Yankee accents are a thing fer sure! @RustyRatRod Long story short they took me smelt fishing. We load the truck up with beer, lanterns, etc but no poles? I see dip nets but no poles. By then I am figuring it is yet another prank on the “southerner” Figuring to myself clearly this is a snipe hunt. They got beer so I play along, we get to Waters edge and they bust out the nets and proceed to fill them with squirming smelt, which we then fried on the spot over fire in cast iron! Great times!
I just went to the UP for the first time this summer.. i LOVE it up there... but the thought of a winter in it.. **** that :) southern mich to northern is a different world in winter... but the feeling of isolation is interesting.. there is no one around.. i kept wondering what you would do if something bad would happen. We were out in the boonies though