2024 14th Annual FABO NHRA "Pick 'Em" Game - It's NITRO Burnin' Time Again!!!

In a JFR statement last Thursday, President Robert Hight said, "There’s a good pool of driving talent out there, but obviously, we need to find the right fit for both the team and our sponsors,” when talking about a replacement driver for John Force.
Here's a list of Funny Car drivers that haven't driven for the past couple of years. I left out those who currently have other responsibilities on other teams or are out for the season for medical reasons.
Who do you like to fill John's seat?

Jeff Arend
Jack Beckman
Phil Burkhart
Courtney Force
Tim Gibbons
Bob Gilbertson
John Hale
Tommy Johnson Jr.
Tony Jurado
Alex Laughlin
John Lawson
Ray Martin
Mike McIntire Jr.
Frank Pedregon
Todd Simpson
Richard Townsend
Brandon Welch
Shane Westerfield

I don't feel the pool is as full as Robert said. There's only a couple of names that I would be interested in calling if it was me.