I've never played the game.... but many do

Maybe the difference is big city vs us country bumpkins :D I guess my crowd didn't have deceit.... Fastest way to lose friends was to lie. If your 396 couldn't beat my 318, then maybe it's time to switch brands...

I like an honest guy. I like to race for bragging rights. Not that it was a huge deal for a lot of guys I knew. In reality, it was just for fun. This is what I enjoy. Just having fun. I run my best and if I get beat, maybe I’ll ask for a rematch. If I can’t beat you, no worries. It normally ended up in tech talk and a new friend.

For me, it’s all about the camaraderie. And yes, of course trying to go fast. If I can pick up a tip from a guy or hand one out, all the better!