Lean idle. Rich cruise.

The book is NOT wrong. Nor are the other books/people that say the same thing, including the Holley book. I do not understand why this is so hard to understand......
The air bleed bleeds off booster signal. If the AB it is increased, more signal is bled off, requiring more RPM [ to create more depression to start pulling fuel ] to start booster flow.
I seem to remember you posting info from Taylor & the info did NOT support your theory.

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Actually the Taylor book says exactly what I’m saying, what I’ve seen because it’s easy to test for and it’s what every carb guy I listen to know.

I can’t quote the Taylor book exactly because I’m not at home but he says that at low air flow, before flow to the nozzle (or booster) starts the main air bleed acts like an emulsion

I may have a picture of the page in his book on this phone but it may have been on my iPad.

I’ll look in a minute.