Hard to Find Decent Accommodations near Sacrament Airport

Update: Evidently all the on-site car rental desks close at Sacramento International Airport close between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM so I cancelled both reservations I had made at the airport for a vehicle. I made a Hertz rental reservation for the following morning in an office a mile from my motel in Roseville.

My smart phone does not have the newest updates so I can't load the Uber app. I will have to ride normal taxi from the airport to Roseville after I clear customs and pick up my baggage (probably around 1:00 AM). That will cost $4.00 plus $3.00 mile or about $70.00 minus senior discount of 20% or about $56.00. I'll probably give the taxi driver more or less my 20% as a tip, if all goes well. The Hertz rental in Roseville is a lot less than it would be at the Airport, so it all works out in the end. But it really takes a lot of research for someone who has not travelled in awhile (before the pandemic).

Oh, I arranged to drop off the Hertz rental off at the airport instead of the pickup office in Roseville. I made the rental reservation via Expedia, which offered what I believe is full coverage insurance for an extra $10.00 a day, which I thought was reasonable (but I didn't feel like reading all the fine print). I made the Roseville motel reservation with the actual front desk clerk, which I found later was about $10.00 cheaper by way of the internet (but I feel it's worth it since I told him I would be arriving after midnight). The motel in Roseville cost about half what the airport vicinity motels are asking.