Strange cam specs

I recently purchased a 1979 Dodge truck with a 360 and 727 trans. Block is 1979, hydraulic FT cam and heads are probably 1979 as well. I do know that the engine has been rebuilt and I am quite sure the cam is not stock. Truck had been sitting (indoors) for 10-12 years. Barely ran when I purchased it. I siphoned fuel out of the tank, rebuilt the carb, replaced distributor and coil, checked plugs. Checked compression - it's within factory specs at 112-152 psi. Not great, but within factory specs. Truck does run better now but still does not idle well and no bottom end power. So I pulled the valve covers to measure the cam specs. My set-up is shown below (the picture is from another car). Listed below are the cam specs. I checked them 3 times and repeatability was within 2 degrees each time so I feel pretty good about the measurements. I thought the cam specs were a little strange but I am no cam expert. What do you guys think? Ever seen a cam like this? I thought the intake was particularly weird. I just checked one lobe. Probably should have done more than one while I was at it.

I realize I have a terrible combination of low compression, high duration, retarded timing and stock torque converter. My question is not so much how to make the truck run better as it is just trying to identify a cam or identify a problem with my process.

Yes. The chart is from the truck. The picture of the engine is just demonstrating the set-up for measuring the lifter movement. I meant to take a picture of the set-up being used in the truck but I forgot. I used the same set-up a few months ago on another car so I posted that picture. Sorry for the confusion.
