Jr Dragsters. Is this what our sport is becoming

Being an A HOLE around children gives them the impression that it's okay to act that way. The old saying of "Monkey see, monkey do" comes to mind. At two of the tracks close to me there was one adult who did whatever he could to be an A HOLE, finally the track owners became fed up with his antics and had a closed door meeting with him. Rumour has it that he was told to either chill out or he would be banned from both tracks for a least a year. That meant him, his wife and his two kids. He screamed and hollered that it wasn't fair to ban his kids and was told to either get his stuff together or suffer the consequences. He straightened up and as of late, he is doing everything he can to not only help his kids, but also other families at the tracks. Maybe tough love like that is warranted.