Possible wrong lower kick down rod for my 340/727

If you've got all 3 of the correct rods that are the correct lengths and you still can't get the lower rod connected, there is something else going on.
It's been mentioned to check the bell crank (trans mounted - #1 in the pic) swivel for proper orientation and apparently there are different ones for different applications like there are for the upper swivel at the intake. '

72 manual:
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 11.58.19 AM.png

I would also measure your transmission lever to verify it's the shorter one (just over 2")
pic from my thread provided by @oldkimmer. You need the shorter one but also look at the different angle of the keyway between the 3 shorter levers. If you have the short one already, you may need a short one with a different key orientation.