Motor Trend Shows- Gone?

I can understand that. But they should explain that to their loyal customers!
i hear ya cluckin' big chicken. a whole *** raft of shows i liked just straight up blinked off of max. one adios'd right in the middle of dinner no less! had me questioning my sanity for a hot minute.

from a few people i know in the industry that are tangentially involved (work as IC's at other joints, or work as OO editors/sound/colorists) the whole navigation of the hand off and combining of properties has been somewhere on the level of: high level buffoonery to straight clusterfuck.

because "max" rebranded there was a rollout and press release; which makes sense in that is one of the prime assets. with the MT stuff, they likely didn't (or still don't) know what to do with it or what fate will befall the shows so they're probably just playing it as: let's focus on the big ticket stuff and once the great unwashed masses start grumbling we'll figure something out. naturally, the stars of these shows have probably been told to keep it on the hush (if they even know anything) and toe the company line.