Random pictures thread

Say what? (Where's that big ol' red X? :))

No 'effin way, man! I mean, like I used to tell the Service Techs from Down South when they would come "up" to Mpls for training: "When it's cold out, you can always put on another layer. But when it's hot out, you can only get so naked!"

Not that anyone wants to see that...

:poke: No worries here...it only took me 44+ years to get here. Heat doesn't bother me. If I'm working in this:

and I get too hot, I have been blessed with this:
50' away to just go hop in for a bit. Then go back and hit the wrenches again. Rinse and repeat as necessary. No Red X needed!!

p.s. Keep in mind that "car season" is 9+ months down here. Longer if you don't mind the heat. In Detroit where we were, it was about 3+ months. Maybe. Great trade IMO!! (Bonus: got @RAT ROD AL to move nearby too :thumbsup: )