Base Timing Questions

Ron, again not an expert but just some observations. That engine should idle when warmed up at about 900- 1000 max rpm when set in gear, I think 1200 is too high.. The RPM drop from neutral or park should be around 100 - 200 rpm so you still have timing and carb adjustments needed. If you have a stock torque converter that comes into play as well. What is the stall of your converter? You're getting lots of great advice from the others.
Hi Woody yup you’re right about the stall converter etc. Unfortunately I am dealing with a combination that’s not very good for my application. I don’t have any information on my cam or torque converter. But the converter is to tight with a low stall for a higher revving 340. The cam is way too aggressive and set up I believe for 4 speed strip application.
I have slowed the distributor curve as much as I can which has helped with detonation. And I just got off the phone with Ray ( @halifaxhops ). We will try one of his vacuum distributors and see how that works. I learned also to be weary of my MSD box as if I needed another bad variable in the mix. Lots against me here but the good news is I have the guys here to help me try and work as best I can through it….