Strange cam specs

You haven't seen his test apparatus, because he has not posted it. Once again, you get a gold star for not even reading the thread and only trying to glom up the works by showing the world how smart you think you are. If you actually took time out to read the thread, you'd know that's not a picture of anything the OP was doing.
Seriously, that's your takeaway? .
And once again you get a gold star for being a grumpy old man, having to run your mouth.
OP said;
Yes. The chart is from the truck. The picture of the engine is just demonstrating the set-up for measuring the lifter movement. I meant to take a picture of the set-up being used in the truck but I forgot. I used the same set-up a few months ago on another car so I posted that picture. Sorry for the confusion.
You read much?
Op says he used the "SAME SET-UP.... on another car", and posted that picture; which was, by the English used, of "the same set-up"..
Com'on Rusty, rein in your tallons; Your judgement is interfering with your understanding.