Fighting sore back once again

Two years ago, I was 230@ 5ft8/69 years old. I was the town trash and recycles collector. I hoisted over 5000 pounds over two days, bag by bag, up and over the side, 6ft up.. I was also the landfill attendee twice a week; so, I walked a lotta miles every week.
October 2022 I got covid, and went down hard. I lost 33 pounds in ten days. and over 90% of it was muscle. I used to have this big slab of meat across my shoulders from my neck down half way to my waist, and generous arms and chest. I came out of covid, and that was all gone. Since then, with no real changes in diet, I am now up to 200/202.
Normally, I don't have aches and pains, even at 71 now.
But, I am pretty thick around the middle; not fat, just thick, like my Grandfather was. I seem to have adequate strength and stamina still, and the thickness doesn't seem to be a problem.
Some say it's due to a fatty liver, and you can neither exercise that off, nor diet it off; rather you have to starve it off. Well I'm not ready to go thru that just yet, lol, it was a bugger the last time, lol. I suppose, sooner or later, I'm gonna have to address that.
But you know, I've always been heavy, right from birth at almost 9 pounds IIRC my Mum saying. I was always heavier than I looked. Mum used to say I had heavy bones. There might be something to that, cuz even tho I've bashed them up pretty good over the years, none has ever broken.
For now, Ima gonna let 200 slide.
BTW, I quit that job, due to a total lack of muscle, lost it all in just two weeks; my body cannibalized it for energy cuz everything that I wanted to eat or was offered, smelled and tasted like dogchit, I kid you not. EVEN WATER!
The office replaced me with two guys for a while, but pretty soon they hired an outside firm , two guys with a compactor-truck..... and our taxes went up by $288 per year.......
I shouldda just asked for more money and did some weight-training, lol.
One thing I discovered during covid, was that once the body starts eating itself, I was not hungry anymore........
so, I'm down to one meal a day which I usually take between 4 and 6, sometimes as late as 7pm. No breakfast no lunch. If it seems like it might be a hard thing to do, well it only takes a few days to get used to, and I found that not having a full belly all the time has some benefits. Less tired/sleepy/groggy/grouchy, easier to bend over to tie shoelaces, and NO gastric upset, and it's keeping the weight off. . Good deal
I did wake up with a sore back, neck, and shoulder on Monday, with no idea how that came to be. I asked a Brother, some 15/20 hours away, to petition AlmightyGod for me, since my prayers seemed to have been held up in the Second Heaven. A few hours later, it slipped off like your blanket might, in the night. This AM, everything is "normal" again.
So there's that .........