valve chatter 360 magnum

I don’t think he has a lifter problem,,,,,I think he has an internal problem,,,,or a bad gauge .
But,,,I don’t think it’s the gauge .

Evidence being of clatter at idle rpm,,,,,classic textbook example of low pressure .
And,,,,,low pressure around 2500 rpm,,,,another example of improper clearance somewhere inside .

When we fired my son’s new engine,,,,it was 75 at cold idle .
It was 45 at warm idle,,,,,,after the throttle was applied,,,,it was right back up there .
Runs at around 55 hot and at speed ,,,,,,really good engine so far .

I’m not trying to argue,,,,,just saying,,,,something is not right,,,,,roller lifters or not .


I’m agreeing. I’m just not sure it’s wrong as in wrong.

I’m saying IF the clearances are loose and maybe IF it has full groove mains it would just be the nature of how the engine is built that requires a heavy oil.

It’s certainly not how I do it but if you’ve been around this stuff very long you know getting guys to move forward when the technology is there is tough.

It’s the “I’ve always done it that way and it works fine for me” that are the worst at staying stuck in the past.