Old man’s memories

1975, I had left the Air Force after 4 years active and bought a used 75 Roadrunner. The car was a real slug being a 318 auto but it sure was pretty. After work one day a few of us went for a beer or 2. After 3 bars or so someone said we should all pile in to Ricks Fury and go to Stans apartment to play poker. At around 2 or so it was time for me lo leave so I went out to my car and found out my car wasn't even there. Went back inside to see if anyone knew where I had it last and through the laughter I could hear how the hell do I know. I took off walking and ended up at my girlfriends house at about 4am. She was totally pissed and told me to sleep in the basement and never talk to her again. The next day I woke up around noon with the gf kicking me in the butt and asking a ton of questions I had no answer for. It turns out, Stan lived about 5 miles from my possibly ex girlfriend and we found my car later that evening at a dive bar I don't remember stopping at.
A lot of bad things could have happened that night but I guess someone was looking out for me. The gf and I made amends and were married about a year later. I sold the RR and bought a 72 Chevy C10 short bed. I didn't stop drinking completely but never even come close to being drunk again.