Old man’s memories

I was about 16, 17 and we had just moved to town
Back then, my only means of transportation was an old dirtbike

Anyway, i found my way to a local watering hole and got my drink on

About 1, I decide its time to head home...only, I have no clue where home is

Luckily it was a small town and everyone knew the old farmhouse we'd just moved into so it wasn't too hard to get directions

This was over 20 years ago, but I still remember how simple it was, head towards town, at the roundabout turn right, and just past the tunnel is the old farmhouse on the left

So, I fire up the old dirtbike and head towards town
As I mentioned, I had drank a lil and I might been a little tired so I might have zoned out a bit
Not really fell asleep but just one autopilot, you know?

When all of a sudden I'm up in the air
I don't know what happened but I felt like I hit a jump or something

So I pull over and look behind me and there is this roundabout

Ok cool, whatever
I turn my bike around and head back to the roundabout, then took a right, just like they told me

I went down to that road for a few miles but never saw the tunnel
What I did see was the town my grandma lived in

Now, I was out of it a little but I know I hadn't moved to the same town my grandma lived in

So I turn the old dirtbike around and head back to where I came from and a few miles in I come across...a roundabout

Now, I know they told me turn to the right when you get to the roundabout, so I turn to the right and a few minutes later I see the same bar again, the one I left almost an hour ago now

I figured this is some real twilight zone stuff here, but I wasn't gonna argue with the universe, so I went back inside and grabbed me another beer

To this day, I still don't know how I made it home that night