Going to be an interesting week. Lots of decisions to be made.

Zero interest in mecum auction or Bob George’s car. Seen it. As far as tests I’ve had tubes stuck in every orfice of my body. It moves it hurts for awhile and the pain calms down. I had a catheter in me probably five times and at one point was told I was going to have one for life. I dropped to my knees and had a good talk to the Lord above and three days later it was taken out. That was probably 8 years ago.

I was told once you get a stone you are more prone to them. I haven’t had one in a long time (bonking on my head while saying knock on wood) but those things are a bear.

As long you know the blood is from a stone (evidently you can get blood from a stone) then it’s ok.

If you’re not sure it’s from a stone then that’s a bit scary.

My doctor says mine are mostly from dehydration and I cleaned up my diet and between those two things I haven’t had another one.