Going to be an interesting week. Lots of decisions to be made.

I was told once you get a stone you are more prone to them. I haven’t had one in a long time (bonking on my head while saying knock on wood) but those things are a bear.

As long you know the blood is from a stone (evidently you can get blood from a stone) then it’s ok.

If you’re not sure it’s from a stone then that’s a bit scary.

My doctor says mine are mostly from dehydration and I cleaned up my diet and between those two things I haven’t had another one.

A lot of times blood in your urine is hereditary. My Dad had a trace, I had a trace, and when my oldest son was lifeflighted to pittsburgh after having seizures after birth he was found to have more than a trace. When I told the doctor of our history he asked if he could test me and did so then agreed on what I told him. 35 years later my son is doing great.