Manifold Vacuum Advance what am I not getting?

I must be missing something. U say the motor wants the base timing at 42*. So what do u have when the mechanical comes in, then when the va comes in? My guess is around 70-80*. Get yourself a good timing light. And maybe someone that knows how to use it. Are u timing on number one for sure. Maybe the damper has slipped. Or your terminology is wrong. Base timing is just that. Add in your mech at 15-20 then your va at 15-20 so your around 80*. Can’t work no way no how. Kim
Yeah that's no joke. One problem is, lots of these younger guys SLAP REFUSE to buy what we used to call "Bibles". The Mopar Engine and suspension books. ......and how to super tune timing is spelled out so a third grader could understand it and it's RIGHT THERE in black and white so you can refer to it at any time you want. .....although I don't believe they discuss using manifold vacuum on the vacuum advance, it's not that tough to figure out from what they do discuss. They do discuss how it's not uncommon to have advance as high as sixty degrees at part throttle just cruising down the road. They also discuss how to tune the advance taping a vacuum gauge to the windshield. But then you have guys say "I don't have a vacuum gauge" and they're not interested in getting one. So how can THEY be helped? Sometimes the only way you can really understand something is just go open the hood and do it.