Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

Not exactly. Chrysler was overdriving pumps a long time ago.

A quick read of the FSM will show that.

The aftermarket stuff is junk because SOME engines turn enough RPM that you can over speed the pump and fight keeping the belts on.

But I'd bet everything the engineers know that limit and run slightly under that speed.

At 8500 RPM you may have to turn the pump slower to keep the top pump speed where it would be if the engine only turned 7k.

Circle track guys are the WORST about speeding the pump up. Its in all the books that under driving saves horsepower so it must be true.
That brings up an interesting point I had not thought about before. Why not just put a very slightly larger pulley on the water pump. For instance, going from a 6" pulley to a 6 1/8" pulley gives you a circumference increase of 1.19" (a 4.2% increase). Wouldn't that make the pump spin a bit faster and, therefore, move the water a bit faster? I would think that the impeller design will eventually be maxed out and not allow an increase, but 4% over stock should not reach that maximum. What do you think, @Newbomb Turk?