Elec woes, crank, no start after running then parked.

Yeah I got a "lifter" earlier Del, lol. I forgot to mention after stalling, the tap test gave me a spark. Did u watch the video? Weird why coil +ve was giving a dull light with test light, but -ve was bright? Measuring them was 6.7 coil + and JUST above 1 on negative....
No flicker on coil -ve while cranking leads me to believe possibly bad pickup?
**edit** oem grey tach wire was unhooked in post #77, with same results/symptoms so we ruled that out.
The coil NEG is a pulse and has what is called "inductive kick" because of the coil primary. Those that have "real" ECU boxes with an original type transistor, --you can get the heck shocked out of you by either touching the transistor or eat sink, or the coil NEG terminal.