TKX performance improvements?

Hello all, I am looking to do a SST TKX 5 speed swap on my duster that has a 727TF. My question is: without swapping anything else, how much of an improvement in acceleration/performance would I be able to see from doing this? (Not accounting for human error in shifting)

If anyone has a before and after 5 speed swap ETs, what was the improvement? Thanks
An auto will generally be faster than a human shifting.
It is important to know at the very least engine specs and rear gear, also which gear set you chose in the TKX.

I’m curious how much floor cutting is needed for that

I cannot speak to an A-body or the TKX but on my TKO and E-body I had to cut the tunnel. Bigger tunnel but the TKO is a much blockier taller trans. The TKX has improvements in case size and profile making it less tall and more round on top.