Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

I don't know what the fuss is about. I run an aluminum rad. because of the bigger tubes in my 66 Barracuda 360 magnum with no thermostat. I put in a restrictor plate instead. I run a 3/4-inch hole in it for flow control. I have used this in my dirt cars and paved oval race cars. I have no problems with heat or cooling. According to my temp. gauge it stays at 190 degrees. I 'm happy with that.

IMO that too hot and a restrictor is a bad way to control coolant flow.

Without knowing the particulars of your build it’s hard to say if that’s cooling the engine properly.

Do you run a vacuum advance? If not you should be.

What’s it like on caution laps? Does it stay cool or warm up?

If it’s warming up then on restart until the temp comes back down you increase the likely hood of detonation.

Seen that many times. Seen the drivers in the car losing their minds because it’s a long caution and their **** is over heating.

I don’t tolerate garbage like that. No one should.