Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

Yes, 30% over crank speed. Of course the pulley ratio to get that 30% will change with RPM.
It's the way you phrased this that is confusing. The first sentence is saying is that the waterpump is 30% over driven, a 30% ratio. I understand that. It's the second sentence that I don't agree with. You say the pulley ratio to get that 30% will change with rpm. I asked you if the 30% you were refering to was the pully ratio and you said yes. If 30% is the pully ratio how is that going to change with RPM? If the ratio is 30% it's still 30% regardless of the rpm. The math you outlayed in post #69 is fine which leads me to believe you have a understand how pully ratios work. I think maybe the 30% you were refering to in that second sentence isn't the pully ratio but rather something else?