Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

It's the way you phrased this that is confusing. The first sentence is saying is that the waterpump is 30% over driven, a 30% ratio. I understand that. It's the second sentence that I don't agree with. You say the pulley ratio to get that 30% will change with rpm. I asked you if the 30% you were refering to was the pully ratio and you said yes. If 30% is the pully ratio how is that going to change with RPM? If the ratio is 30% it's still 30% regardless of the rpm. The math you outlayed in post #69 is fine which leads me to believe you have a understand how pully ratios work. I think maybe the 30% you were refering to in that second sentence isn't the pully ratio but rather something else?

I figured everyone would understand you can’t over speed the water pump at idle.

So that assumption means that you understand that to correctly get the pump to run at its most optimum or at least as fast as it can before it starts having issue is RPM related.

And not idle speed rpm related.

Isn’t the thread where I explained the same thing using a Roots blower?

Same exact thing.

Edit: along those lines I can’t find pulleys that get anywhere near 20% over.

And, since you are limited in how small and big you can go on the pulleys will also limit what the drive ratios can be.