First time I saw one of these

It is an Aussie valiant the same as mine basically sent over as a kit from Canada, the Mexicana refers to the extended sail panels at the rear window, it was only available here for a limited number of cars I think about 150 to 200 cars

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I see your Valiant has both the splash shield on the fuel filler, as well as the emblem on the C-pillar. Bazza removed the emblems from his VG when he had the top redone 20+ years ago (although he did save them), but looking at pictures of his car from Day One I don't think his VG ever had that splash shield. Was that an option, do you know?

And perhaps more importantly, do you know if they are still available?

'Cuz his car could really use one.

Nice car, by the way! :thumbsup: