Another car fire around three miles from my house.

FIRE Extinguisher in everyone's car. I've had one in every hobby car I've owned. Changed them every 4/5 years. Never had to use one, but it's there. Damn shame, this guys baby gone.
An ABC unit as large as you care to carry!

My wife and I came across a 70’s Chevelle smoking on the fog line near Jasper Texas. (We were driving her pickup) Young owner/driver standing nearby unsure what to do!?
I popped the hood and disconnected the battery and dumped my drinking water on what appeared to be smoldering wires. Other passers by dumping theirs too and we got it out. None of us had an extinguisher on us!
Then went on our way but think we prolly saved the car.

I always have a small one in orange car. It’s not an ABC and should be!