2024 14th Annual FABO NHRA "Pick 'Em" Game - It's NITRO Burnin' Time Again!!!

The point reset protocol and special rules for the end-of-season 6-event "Countdown" was last posted during the 2022 "Pick 'Em" game. So, for both new NHRA "Pick 'Em" game players and those who forgot, here they are:

PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL "COUNTDOWN" GAME RULES (effective following the U.S. Nationals):
* The "pick carry over" is not in effect for the end-of-season 6-event "Countdown". You MUST either post picks for each event or "lock" your picks if you feel you may forget to post new event picks or you want to guard against your computer going down for any reason. Of course, you can always override your "locked" picks for any event or change your "locked" picks at any time.
* If your picks are currently "locked" then they will continue to be "locked". If your picks are not "locked" or they are "carry over" picks from previous events, then you MUST post picks for the next event and each following event in order to stay in the "Countdown" for the remainder of the 2024 NHRA season. Of course, you can post new picks for the first event of the "Countdown" and "lock" them.
* If you override your "locked" picks for a single event, your picks will revert back to the "locked" picks for the next event unless you post otherwise
* Following the completion of the U.S. Nationals I WILL NOT BE SENDING ANY REMINDERS TO POST PICKS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE 2024 NHRA SEASON. To use a classic drag racing saying, "If you snooze, you lose"!
*If your picks are not "locked" and you fail to post picks for any event during the "Countdown", then you will be "parked" for the rest of the 2022 NHRA season with the points you have earned up to that time.

Here's how the game points will be re-set following the completion of the U.S. Nationals:

2000.0 - "Pick 'Em" game point leader after the U.S. Nationals
1970.0 - second place player unless the point separation from the first place position is less than 30 points. If you are only separated from the first place player by less than 30.0 points, then you will maintain that lower-than-30.0 point separation.

All player positions below the second place score will be separated by 10.0 points unless a player is less than 10 points from the player in the position in front of them. If you are only separated from the player immediately in front of you by less than 10.0 points, then you will maintain that lower-than-10.0 point separation.
In the 2019 game, '64BEL' (FBBO) was only 4.5 points behind the player in front of him so he started the "Countdown" separated by only 4.5 points.

In 2019, before the point reset, the difference from 1st to 17th was 1044.5 points. Following the point reset, the difference was only 171.0 points.

By the way, the 30-point lead at the beginning of the "Countdown" is not insurmountable. In the 2019 game, the game leader following the U.S. Nationals had a 30.0 point lead at the beginning of the "Countdown", but did not win the game.