340 rear main seal leak/gush

I fought a small leak till I put sealer between the main and block. Had pan off 5 times new 408. I just put a dab of black RTV at the seal ends. Seems to work for me, but I have considered off setting the seal ends...

Yeah, the way you fixed it is best.

Offsetting the seal effectively keeps the seal from getting the proper crush.

If you have a seal leak, and you offset it and it seals you reduced the crush. In other words, the seal is getting too much loading on its ends because those ends are too proud of the cap and block.

Correctly fitting the seal (both halves) for proper crush and the seal won’t need to be offset to not leak.

I tried to get into a conversation with DTM but he is convinced that offsetting the seal is the proper fix so I didn’t waste my time trying to show him that just because people are doing something doesn’t make it right.